Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Wait Was Worth It

If you love music as much as this fellow here, then you know what it's like to listen to a new album from one of your favorite bands. You're looking forward to it no matter what anyone else might have said about how different it's going to be from their awesome (insert number) album. I've had a few different experiences with different bands that I love. Paramore's second album Riot! was more in depth than their first outing, and I enjoyed it immensely. On the other end of the spectrum, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus' first album was one of the best damn albums I have ever bought. How do they follow up this masterpiece? They release one of the absolute worst pieces of dogshit that my ears have ever had to suffer through. They might have just earned an indefinite place on my shitlist for that.

This is a different story my friends. A much different one. If you know me, you most likely know that my favorite band of all time is Silverstein, an awesome little group out of Canada. They've previously released 3 full-length albums that have all thoroughly knocked me on my ass, especially their sophomore effort Discovering the Waterfront. Their next album, A Shipwreck in the Sand, comes out March 31, but thanks to the wonders of Myspace (wonder and Myspace normally cannot be legally put in the same sentence) I have been able to listen to the whole album a week early. Let me tell you this; Shipwreck is far and away the band's most developed and most powerful release to date. To be frank, it's their best.

Almost right from the get go, the band tries on some new shoes with guest backing vocals from Liam Cormier of the band Cancer Bats (also from Canada, and I'll have to give them a listen now) on the album's second song "Vices." Other guest vocalists appearing on the album include former Comeback Kid vocalist Scott Wade and Canadian pop singer Lights on the aptly titled final track "The End." Each guest appearance is awesome, and they each provide their respective songs with a new element that just adds to the badassery of the album.

This album could not have come at a better time for me, as well. I was about to go insane with no new music to listen to. It seems like I have dug through every nook and cranny of the music world and can't find any new bands to enjoy. Well, Silverstein has postponed my search for now because their new album will certainly keep me occupied and rocking for quite some time. To the guys in the best damn band on earth: Thanks and keep pumping my ears full of sweet sweet tunes.

(Give them a listen here )